Cumberland Care Supported Living - Service Users Survey

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Closes 31 Jul 2024

Cumberland Care Supported Living Service Users Survey

We would like to ask you some questions about how you have found your care. We want to find out what is working well and what could be improved.

1. Which Supported Living Service are you completing this survey for?
2. Are you happy where you live?
3. Do your support workers work well with the other people who are important to you?
4. Do you help in making your support plan?
5. Are you happy with the support you get from your staff/support team?
6. Do your staff/support team listen to what you have to say?
7. Do you have a say in the activities you do?
8. Do the staff/support team help you to find out about new activities?
9. If you want to go on a holiday or a trip does this happen?
10. Are any repairs to your home fixed quickly or on time?
11. Is it easy to make a suggestion or a complaint?
12. What are the best three things about living here?
13. What would you change about living here?