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Current opportunities to get involved

Cumberland Care Supported Living - Service Users Survey

Welcome to the Cumberland Care Supported Living Service Users survey. This survey is for Service Users to provide feedback and let us know what is working well and what could be improved in our Supported Living services.

0-19 Healthy Child Programme in Cumberland

Cumberland Council is committed to supporting every child, young person and family to achieve the best health and wellbeing possible. As part of this, Cumberland Council commissions public health services for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years. This is called the Healthy Child Programme. A large part of the programme is led and provided by the public health nursing workforce, including health visiting and school nursing teams. Cumberland Council is preparing to...

Consultation on Taxi and Private Hire Policy 2024

Following the formation of Cumberland Council a draft taxi and private hire policy has been prepared covering the Cumberland Council area. We would like to hear your views on the draft policy.

Shared Lives Professionals Survey

Welcome to the Cumberland Care Shared Lives professionals survey. This survey is for professionals to provide feedback and let us know what is working well and what could be improved in our Shared Lives service.

Shared Lives Service Users Feedback Questionaire

Welcome to the Shared Lives Service Users feedback questionaire. This questionaire is for Service Users to provide feedback and let us know what is working well and what could be improved in our Shared Lives service.

Shared Lives Carers Questionnaire

Welcome to the Cumberland Care Shared Lives Carers questionnaire. This questionaire is for Carers to provide feedback and let us know what is working well and what could be improved in Shared Lives.

Your impact

Your feedback is crucial to making sure our decisions are the right ones. We really do listen - read about some recent issues we consulted on and how you influenced the outcome.

Climate and nature

Residents responded to our climate and nature survey. You told us you would like to see more green spaces in our towns and cities and we are working on introducing these.

Play areas

Following our play area consultation we will be removing old play equipment and replacing it with brand new items which best suit the needs of residents

Supported living

Service users provided feedback to let us know what is working well and what could be improved in our supported living services.

Closed consultations and engagement

Issues we have asked you about previously

Older Adults Residential & Nursing Care Services Framework

Welcome to the Cumberland Council Older Adults Residential & Nursing Care Services survey. This survey is for colleagues in the sector to provide feedback and let us know what is working well and what could be improved in Older Adults Residential & Nursing Care Services Framework.

Cumberland Care Extra Care Housing - Professionals Survey

Welcome to the Cumberland Care Extra Care Housing professionals survey. This survey is for professionals to provide feedback and let us know what is working well and what could be improved with the care in Extra Care Housing.

Extra Care Housing - Family and Advocates Survey

Welcome to the Cumberland Care Extra Care Housing Family survey. This survey is for service users family members and advocates to provide feedback and let us know what is working well and what could be improved with the care provided in Extra Care Housing.

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