Day Opportunities

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Closes 29 Nov 2024


We are Cumberland Council.

We are going to renew all of our Day Opportunities contracts and these will start in April 2025.

People with disabilities and older people can come to Day Opportunities to:

  • learn new things
  • take part in enjoyable activities
  • learn skills to live independently.

We will work with lots of organisations that can provide Day Opportunities.

What happens now

We know that most people go to their Day Opportunities during the week between 9am and 3pm.

They travel to their day opportunity by taxi and minibus.

Some people have to travel a long way.

We know this does not suit everyone.

What we want to do

We want to find ways to:

  • offer more Day Opportunities
  • provide Day Opportunities that are closer to people’s homes so they travel less
  • provide Day Opportunities at times that are better for the people who use them.

What we want to know

We want to know if you would like:

  • more Day Opportunities in the evenings and weekends
  • to choose the start and finish times
  • more Day Opportunities online or at home as well as in places people go to
  • more Day Opportunities to learn skills for independent living such as travel training, cooking and looking after the home, training for a paid job or volunteering opportunities
  • to use a Direct Payment to organise your own transport to travel to your Day Opportunity or to travel with your carer or family.