Polling District Review 2024
We are undertaking a review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations.
We would like to hear your views about the existing arrangements for the polling districts, polling places and polling stations, and any proposed amendments made by the (Acting) Returning Officer and any suggestions for alternative polling districts, polling places and polling stations including reasons for the use of alternatives.
Cumberland is split between the four Parliamentary constituency boundaries of: Barrow and Furness, Carlisle, Penrith and Solway and Whitehaven and Workington. The Acting Returning Officers for these Parliamentary constituencies that fall wholly or partially within Cumberland will be consulted directly. All comments received will be published anonymously on our website.
Why your views matter
It's important that we have the right polling station arrangements in place. Before giving your views, please do consider the following terms and take note of the documents below.
Definition of Terms
Polling District
A polling district is the area created by the division of a constituency, ward or division into smaller parts.
Polling Place
A polling place is the building or area in which polling stations will be located.
Polling Station
A polling station is the room within the polling place where voting takes place.
Who can comment
Any registered elector within the Cumberland Council area or from within a UK Parliamentary constituency, which has any part in the authority may comment on the proposals.
We welcome the views of all residents, or any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability, on the proposed polling districts and polling places or any other related matters. The Council will consult with local political parties, MPs, councillors, parish and town councils. Persons or bodies making representation should, if possible, give alternative places that may be used as polling places.
Other ways to comment
By Post: Electoral Services, Civic Centre, Rickergate, Carlisle, CA3 8QG
By Email: elections@cumberland.gov.uk
Documents relating to the review can be inspected on the Council’s website at www.cumberland.gov.uk or at one of the following offices, Civic Centre Carlisle, Allerdale House, Workington or Market Hall, Whitehaven.
Give us your views
- All residents
- Elections
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